Humans of Flesh and Blood TCG: Nick Clayton

Written by Liam Bosecke




How did you get into Flesh and Blood TCG?


I actually started at Good Games Adelaide. I was actually looking for some Magic the Gathering cards and Hannah was sitting there and she was sorting her Flesh and Blood cards out, she then briefly explained the game to me. I bought two blitz decks that day and that’s how I started.


Who was your first hero?


I think my first ever hero was Prism and that’s because I bought my first Blitz deck off of Hannah. Then the first hero that I bought all the big cards for and got really into was Oldhim, because I pulled a Crown of Seeds, so I was like: “Alright, I’m all in, let’s go”.


Casual games at the Sydney Uprising World Premiere 


How has the Uprising Premiere event been for you?


The Uprising sealed event has been one of the best events I’ve attended for Flesh and Blood. I managed to do really well, the set’s been really exciting. None of the heroes in the set feel like they’re broken. All of them feel like they could win games based on what you could interact with. It felt balanced and it was very fun just getting into it and I never played against a mean person (laughs). Everyone I played against today has just been lovely.


What made you want to attend the event?


I’ve been really into the game for a while now, I’ve only been playing for a year and a half. I think just the idea of a big event held in Australia was a no-brainer to me. It was just like: “It wasn’t that far away, it’s going to be amazing” and I got to play with some cards before everyone else in the world, that was awesome.


What are you doing today?


I was tired from the weekend, so I decided that I was going to skip the Battle Hardened event. I was unfortunate to not make it to day two of The Calling. But I’m going to jam the side events. They’ve been a lot of fun as well. I’ve had high risk blitz, we’re also going to try and draft a lot of Tales of Aria. Basically just sit there and play On-Demand Draft today, it’s a lot of fun.



  In-between round at the Sydney Uprising World Premiere




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