Collectors, Investors and Players Oh My! (Metazoo TCG)
Written by Danny Fotinatos and Liam Bosecke

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Metazoo has had a very explosive year in 2021. Many global distribution channels have sold out of Nightfall stock within days of releasing preorders. Collectors and investors scour the online marketplaces for what's left of the very sought after 1st Edition Cryptid Nation. What is it about Metazoo that has ensured it's success? Is anybody actually playing this game? There are a lot of factors to consider when looking at this small Kickstarter project turned global brand. 
We've teamed up with trading card expert and Influencer SWSHDAN to discuss these topics and hopefully answer these questions. 
For those that don't already know, Metazoo is a relatively new TCG (Trading Card Game) that has had an explosive rise to popularity after a successful Kickstarter campaign. It's based around mythological creatures, or Cryptids, that we are all familiar with in one way or another, such as Bigfoot for example. Metazoo has been closely compared to Pokemon due to it's collectability and classic art style.

The Collectors 

Mike Waddall, Creator of Metazoo   
   Metazoo has proven to be a rising star on Channel Fireball; through exclusive bundles and promos, the demand very much outweighs the supply and doesn't appear to be tipping in the other direction. 
In order for MetaZoo to establish itself in a very crowded TCG market, it had to form a unique identity, different to anything that's ever been seen before in the trading card game space. Trading Card Game giants Pokemon Company International (formerly Pokemon Company) and Magic The Gathering all launched at time where social media was non existent. In 2021, social media is now integrated in every day life, and MetaZoo has done a fantastic job at using social media to elevate its platform. Unlike Pokemon or Magic The Gathering, MetaZoo Games communicates with its community directly through Discord, an instant messaging and digital distribution platform that allows the organisation to share updates, promote products and engage with the community.
This is something that we've never seen in the trading card game industry to date and it's one of the many unique marketing strategies the company is using to create hype, build it's brand and create exclusivity for its members. They have built their community through this discord profile which hosts multiple forums for different topics of conversation. 
Metazoo's unique brand of Cryptids
Creating a trading card game with instant hype and interest MetaZoo has generated is no easy feat. Mike Waddell, MetaZoo Games' creator, has utilized unique game design, differentiating from popular mainstream TCG's, as well as utilizing already created intellectual property through the cryptid's that are the characters, or 'Beasties' involved in the game play of MetaZoo. These characters aren't exactly brand new concepts to society, and that plays into the strength of MetaZoo's core thematic design; not having to spend time and resources in character creation or design. When people think of 'Bigfoot', they instantly think of that scary ape-like creature that is rumoured to inhabit the forests of North America. In contrast to other trading card games, it's difficult to form that immediate connection with a character and that is what sets MetaZoo apart. 

The Investors

Metazoo's chase card 'Mothman'
The Pokemon boom of 2020 created an increased demand for physical and tangible collectibles such as: Trading card games, figurines, comics and electronics. As a result of the pandemic, adults who grew up in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and maybe touching on the naughties, wanted that fix of nostalgia to get them through these challenging times. MetaZoo games launched right during the Pokemon boom of 2020 and was funded on Kickstarter from 30th June 2020 to 30th August 2020. If there was ever a time to launch a trading card game based on already established characters such as cryptids, this was the time to do it.
In these uncertain times, it makes sense for your everyday person to look toward alternative means of generating income, or even gaining financial independence. Metazoo was in the right place at the right time, and they've capitalized on their success effectively through endless merchandising and successful brand deals.

Metazoo's astronomical rise in demand has fueled a frenzy
The printing of the Kickstarter and 1st edition set had a very limited supply, which in turn created a high demand for the product. As we all know, earlier editions of any collectibles have more value due to their rarity and Collectibility in comparison to their unlimited edition counterparts which are often more accessible and as a result, in less demand. 

Logan Paul ushers in a new era for trading cards. Photo by  HYPEBEAST

The Players

   Well, earlier in the year, we asked the official Metazoo Reddit what they thought of the game play. The responses where quite mixed, leaning on harsh. Overall, we found that consumers treated this as more of a collectible, since the cards are currently too expensive to play with, as there are only first edition printings of the cards.
One reply left by user 2Lainz, was a very detailed analysis of the game, and one which resonated with a lot of users on the subreddit. So we thought we would quote it here:
Review of the Metazoo gameplay as it currently stands by Reddit user 2Lainz
What needs to be remembered here is that Cryptid Nations is the first set of the game to be released. Despite the setbacks it faces in being taken seriously due to it's mechanics (comparatively to existing TCG's), This game has a solid foundation and concept to work off of. It's future success as a playable game will be determined by the creators ability to adapt and willingness to change. The fourth wall mechanics may be a unique concept, but in a lot of ways, they hold it back in being taken seriously and overall, playable. As a casual game at least, it currently serves it's purpose in being a fun and enjoyable pastime.
Currently, Metazoo appears to be taking the route of Pokemon, which is mainly as a collectible. But unlike Pokemon, Metazoo doesn't have pop-culture nostalgia from decades of memories (with these cards) to fuel the fire of consumerism. 
Will any of this matter on the long run? It's hard to say, as this brand is diving into uncharted territory. But it can't be denied that Mike Waddell has hit the nail on the head when it comes to generating hype and engineering collectibility within his products.
Steve Aoki Partner's up with Metazoo
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